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Africa is the focus of our work. We have been particularly active in 8 African countries : Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gabon, Guinea, Niger, Democratic African Republic (DRC) and Tanzania
  • Beneficiaries: the population  of Mbouroukou and around

  • Region: Mbouroukou, in the Moungo area

  • Type of intervention: ICT material sent and installed, computer training delivered

  • Period : 2012


Project description : introduce the community in Mbouroukou to computer tools in an effort to bridge the digital divide in this rural area. The training was carried out by Micro Recyc and interns under the Québec Sans Frontières (Quebec Without Borders) Program


Status : Finished
Partners : The Quebec Without Borders program of the Ministry of International Development and the Francophonie, Government of Quebec (Canada)


Support for the computerization of education:

  • 2014 The Second Chance School run by Zod Neere, an organization in the Sabou region, Burkina Faso

  • 2014 Institut Universitaire des Hautes Études de Guinée (IUHEG), région Conakry - Guinée + intervention en 2010 2007

  • 2009 Organisme Diku-Dilenga, Kinchasa - RDC

  • 2008 Secondary schools in Moshi, Tanzania

  • 2005 A seminary for missionaries in Diro, DRC 

  • Beneficiaries: Specially targeted at youth and women

  • Region : Manengouba, in the Moungo area

  • Sectors: Agriculture, crafts, culture

  • Type of intervention : training for incorporating ICTs in their life, work and community, guidance and support for running the Centre and setting up a website and social media

  • Period : 2013-2014

  • Learning Centres are run in Cameroon and Haiti

Project description: There are 3 objectives:
1) Empowering rural communities via ICTs and information sharing
2) Knowledge transfer with the goal of improving their daily lives

3) Enhancing the capacity of people and the community by adding value to local initiatives


Website of the learning  centre in Manengouba (in French)

Status :
project finalized and being executed
Partner : International Organization of the Francophonie


Thanks to the support of the International Organization of the Francophonie under their Inforoutes programs

  • Beneficiairies: schools of Niamey

  • Area : Niamey city, Niger

  • Type of intervention : Type of intervention: Sending equipment installation computers and training

  • Implementation period: 2015-2018


Project description : is the computerization of schools in Niamey, the capital of  Niger. We will also provide training. Starting with 10 schools, we expect an ongoing collaboration that will encompass more schools, given the strong IT needs expressed by our partner, the Municipality of Niamey. With an estimated urban population of over 1.5 million, this fast-growing city has a majority youth population.

Status : on going
Partner : the city of Niamey


© 2015 by Micro-Recyc Cooperation. Empowering people via ICTs |  |  Tel: 1-514 227 5776

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